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Title: 2021/6/6 18:18:20
My name is George VAughan. I just picked up order #58. We asked for vegetarian versions of three dishes. The Taiwan Noodles have what looks like shrimp and chicken. WHY? All three dishes clearly had the request in their special instructions.

Title: 2021/12/24 16:39:02
Hey, I am trying to get the status on my order, but your phone number is not working.

Title: 2021/12/16 13:22:30
Are you open on Christmas Day 2021?

Title: 2021/10/26 13:03:31
Hi, I'm Blair, I just noticed that there is the "error 500" appearing on some of your website pages. I'm pretty positive that those types of errors won't be appreciated by your customers and you are basically losing money as a result, plus they can significantly reduce the number of clicks from Google. I've decided to help and created the document for you with a few screenshots of errors and also indicated the links to the pages where they appear, hope it helps. Here's the link to the doc, check it out: Have a good day!

Title: 2021/10/12 15:46:19
There was an error in my previous email. Please do not share that you made it into the Top 5 for Best of the Best until October 27!!! Sorry for any confusion.

Title: 2021/10/12 15:35:24
Hello, I have great news but you must keep this a secret until October 17—you made it into the Best of the Best Top 5 for Best Chinese Restaurant! Please contact me so I can send you the details. Thanks, James Constantine Multimedia Marketing Consultant The Frederick News-Post Loudoun Times-Mirror (240) 215-8559 351 Ballenger Center Drive Frederick, MD 21703

Title: 2021/1/9 15:09:15
Hi, received the delivery this evening but did not get the fried rice with the chicken and green beans. No white rice with it either. Food was very good otherwise. Thanks, Lois

Title: 2021/1/20 16:43:53
Hi. Is it possible to get vegetarian food that is gluten free (no gluten)?

Title: 2020/9/26 4:55:45
Hello, I have great news but you must keep this a secret until October 17—you made it into the Best of the Best Top 5 for Best Chinese Restaurant! Please contact me so I can send you the details. Thanks, Talia Talia Valencia Multimedia Marketing Consultant The Frederick News-Post Loudoun Times-Mirror (240) 215-8588 351 Ballenger Center Drive Frederick, MD 21703

Title: 2020/9/22 13:56:02
Hello - do you have a gluten free menu? Are you able to make gluten free pork fried rice?

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